
建立一所以自然为基础的学校,让员工长期留在这里,让孩子们茁壮成长, & families who promote the school with rave reviews

How would it feel to…

→ Achieve greater enrollment without sleepless nights

→ Confidently lead a team of teachers, work with families, 在不感到孤立的情况下满足监管机构的诸多要求


→ Process & problem-solve complex situations with trusted, 其他志同道合的教育领袖的可靠支持

→ Meet your goals with success & greater ease with the support of trusted allies


想象一下,一个由值得信赖的同事组成的社区,在那里你不必解释什么是基于自然的学校, but instead can focus on overcoming daily challenges.

If you’re ready for connection, support, & accountability as a leader, 而无需证明或解释你基于自然的方法, join us for… 


The 2024-25 cohort is currently in progress.


Here’s how M.A.P.L.E. works...

  • 1-hour small group discussion sessions twice monthly (Sept-June; 10 months) 因此,你将从面临类似挑战的其他人那里得到个性化的支持和观点 (2024-25年,我们在每个月的第一个和第三个星期三开会. 第一个星期三我们在东部时间下午4点/太平洋时间下午1点开会,第三个星期三在东部时间上午11点/太平洋时间上午8点开会.)

  • Hands-on help with crafting documents (e.g., policies, handbooks, letters to families), designing staff trainings, aligning budgets and program offerings, and more! 这就像拥有自己的文字编辑,他真正了解你在做什么以及你为什么要这样做.

  • Individual traction report to keep track of your progress and ask questions (See an example here; Rachel will review these before the meeting, provide some feedback in the document, and also curate a list of questions for the hour)

  • Ongoing communication with the entire group 所以你不必等到我们开会的时候才得到反馈 (Slack)

  • Support from a consistent, small group of colleagues (<20) 这样你就可以建立一个专业的网络和支持系统,持续到项目结束

  • Participation in the group also includes an annual membership to The Grove,我们的在线会员资格,不断增长的资源库,网络研讨会,个人支持等等. (Valued at $270)

This small group is NOT a course. 

You've got an established nature-based school or program. 你现在真正需要的是及时的支持和指导,因为你面对日常的挑战,朝着你的战略目标努力.

M.A.P.L.E. is hosted by Rachel Larimore...

Rachel Larimore, Ph.D.

大家好,我是Rachel Larimore, Samara Early Learning的创始人和首席梦想家! As an author, speaker, and education consultant, 我帮助幼儿教育工作者开办以自然为基础的学校,或者在他们现有的项目中发展以自然为基础的方法,让孩子们与自然一起学习,扩大他们的世界,丰富生活, full lives.

从事教育工作超过25年,其中10年担任以自然为基础的幼儿园主任, 我非常了解在整个项目范围内实施以自然为基础的方法所面临的许多挑战. That’s why I created Samara Early Learning.

在萨马拉早期教育,我们帮助教育工作者避免转向以自然为基础的方法的常见错误,有时甚至是代价高昂的错误. 我们在萨马拉的目标是帮助你专注于重要的事情——帮助年幼的孩子在自然中学习,作为他们正规教育的一部分.

With the support we offer in business planning, operations, staffing, and curricula, 我们的客户能够创建备受尊重的基于自然的学校和项目,家庭都渴望参加. 这包括从始终如一的教学实践, working with families, and working with staff.


Please note: This isn’t the Rachel show!

我的职责是召集一群优秀的教育领导者,作为你们的向导和促进者. 在枫叶,你会建立新的关系,互相学习,互相帮助.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • 我对“管理员”的定义比较宽泛,包括任何负责计划和实施项目的人. 事实上,我更多地把它看作是处于领导地位的人. This could be a school director, assistant director, school principal, curriculum coordinators, instructional coaches, professional learning coordinators, and even lead teachers who are supervising other teachers.

  • I am limiting the M.A.P.L.E. group to 20 participants for the 2024-25 school year. 这可以提供个性化的支持,并有机会与同龄人建立牢固的关系.

  • We will meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. 在2024-25年,我们在每个月的第一个和第三个星期三开会. 第一个星期三我们在东部时间下午4点/太平洋时间下午1点开会,第三个星期三在东部时间上午11点/太平洋时间上午8点开会. 我们的Slack频道沟通将于7月开始,我们将在9月4日举行第一次社区电话会议.

  • While there are some differences between infant, toddler, preschool, and elementary programs, there is much more in common. 因此,在2024-25学年,我们将有一个小组,人们服务的年龄将有所不同. (Many will have multiple ages within their program.)

  • 如果您已经是The Grove的年度会员,我们将降低您的M.A.P.L.E. registration by your annual membership amount. 如果你是月卡会员,我们会把你换成年卡会员.A.P.L.E. enrollment.